Internacionalni vrtići Beograd

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Internacionalni vrtići Beograd
Internacionalni vrtići u Beogradu su vrtići koje pohađaju deca stranih državljana u Beogradu, ali i deca kojima je srpski maternji jezik.
Poznato je da deca u najranijem uzrastu najlakše uče strani jezik, zato ako upišete svoje dete u neki od beogradskih internacionalnih vrtića, ono će s lakoćom naučiti strani jezik.
Sva komunikacija između vaspitača i dece u internacionalnim vrtićima u Beogradu odvija se na engleskom, nemačkom, francuskom ili nekom drugom stranom jeziku.
Planirate preseljenje u inostranstvo?
Internacionalni vrtići su sjajno mesto za Vaše dete jer će savladati strani jezik kao da mu je maternji i postaće bilingvalno još u najranijem dobu!
U svakom slučaju dete će pored učenja stranog jezika imati višestruke benefite pohađanjem internacionalnog vrtića.
Steći će znanja o drugim narodima i kulturama, imaće drugare koji potiču sa svih meridijana i biće na putu da postane pravi svetski čovek!
INTERNACIONALNI VRTIĆI - INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN LITTLE SPARROWS/VRAPČIĆI We are International Kindergarten Little Sparrows/Vrapčići, an international kindergarten located in a beautiful villa in the heart of Belgrade, right by the Neimar Park. We are open for your children every workday from 7:30 a.m.
to 6 p.m.
year-round, and we are offering evening and overnight stays per request.
Internacionalni vrtići.
We offer the Primary Years Program in English for students in Pre-Kindergarten (age 3) .
Mission ISB is a collaborative learning community that inspires and empowers its members to discover their passions to be global innovators. Vision We aspire to challenge and empower students through living the IB learner profile.

International Preschool Belgrade

Beograd, Sopot, Naselje Trešnja 062 1529383
INTERNACIONALNI VRTIĆ U BEOGRADU - VILLAGE PRESCHOOL Our International School Belgrade for infants, toddlers, pre- school children and kindergarteners’s mission is to provide your child with the most comprehensive learning experience in the safest and warmest environment possible.
We believe that we can be the solution for all your childcare needs.
That is not a statement we make lightly, there is weight behind our words.
Our staff at International Preschool Belgrade is supremely confident that due to our teaching method combined with our teaching staff’s extensive work experience, your child will grow into knowledgeable and respectful children.
It’s easy for us to say that, but let us show you how we plan to do so.
Our environment is organized into learning centers that support in all subject areas such as literacy, math, science,art and music.
The academy is equipped with educational materials from the United States and a playground and garden are available on the premises so that your children can experience some outside play and learning as well.
INTERNACIONALNI VRTIĆI BEOGRAD PRIMA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BELGRADE Naša predškolska ustanova svakom detetu poklanja posebnu pažnju, vodeći računa o njegovim individualnim potrebama.
Nastojimo da detetu stvorimo pozitivnu sliku o sebi kako bi stekli neophodno samopouzdanje za njihov dalji životni put.
Internacionalni vrtić na Novom Beogradu. Nastavni program.
Circle Time.
Dnevni circle time sadrži aktivnosti kao što su: kalendar (koji je danas datum), pevanje pesmice o danima u nedelji, zatim pesmice o mesecima u godini, određivanje vremena (vetrovito, kišovito, oblačno, sunčano), brojanje, i čitanje knjiga. Čitanje i pisanje.
Tokom ovog dela programa deca čitaju specijalno odabranu literaturu.
Prvo uče fonetiku uz pomoć profesionalnog svernoamerickog programa Jolly Phonics, koji ih uči slovnim zvucima, imenima i kombinovanju reči za konstrukciju jednostavnih rečenica.
Fokus je na govornom jeziku, fonološkom izrazu i poznavanju slova. Kreativna radionica.
Deca imaju priliku da uče kroz kreativno izražavanje i rad sa raznim likovnim materijalima kao što su tempere, krejoni, bojice, markeri, tekstil, kreiranje kolaža od recikliranih materijala (tapete, magazini, novine, nalepnice). Društvene Veštine.
Iako je koncept Step by Step vrtića da pruži deci mogućnost da uče engleski jezik u okruženju gde je engleski jezik dominantan, ne smemo da zaboravimo da su u tako ranom dobu najvažnije veštine za razvoj deteta društvene veštine: saradnja, samokontrola, samopouzdanje, radoznalost, razumevanje i komunikacija.
Deca najbolje uče kroz uravnotežen pristup uz pomoć kojeg razvijaju društvene, emocionalne i kognitivne veštine.
Učimo da delimo, slušamo pažljivo i vodimo računa jedni o drugima.
Posebni program rada za strani jezik - francuski: Gledajući u celini lingvističko vaspitanje smatramo za shodno izučavanje stranog jezika; imajući u vidu prikladno didaktično posredovanje u gradacijskom procesu detetovog razvoja.
Lepo vreme zajedno provodimo i sve to na francuskom jeziku, naravno!
Internacionalni vrtić u Beogradu, na Senjaku.
International Nursery in Belgrade, Senjak.
Principles of Practice.
Working with babies and children is a complex, challenging and demanding task.
To enable us to carry out our responsibilities we acknowledge a clear set of guiding principles.
At INSB we believe: Parents and families are central to the well-being of the child.
Relationships with other people (both adults and children) are of crucial importance in a child’s life.
A relationship with a key person at home and in the setting is essential to a young child’s well-being.
Caring adults count more than resources and equipment.
Babies and young children are social beings: they are competent learners from birth.
Learning is a shared process and children learn most effectively when, with the support of a knowledgeable an trusted adult, they are actively involved and interested. In the ‘holistic’ nature of development and learning.
Children learn when they are given appropriate responsibility, allowed to make errors, decisions and choices, and respected as autonomous and competent learners. Children learn by doing rather than by being told.
That a child’s individuality, efforts and achievements should be recognized and valued.
Schedules and routines must flow with the child’s needs.
Young children are vulnerable.
They learn to be independent by having someone they can depend upon.

Internacionalni Kutak

Beograd, Zemun, Kapetana Radiča Petrovića 32d 011 4025578
cena: Cenovnik
INTERNACIONALNI VRTIĆI - INTERNACIONALNI KUTAK Mi smo osnovali britansko-srpski vrtić “INTERNACIONALNI KUTAK“ zato što smo želeli da obezbedimo uzbudljivu, inovativnu brigu za vaše dete u učenju engleskog jezika u multinacionalnom okruženju za decu od 1-12 godina starosti.
INTERNACIONALNI VRTIĆ BROOK HILL BEOGRAD. The beginning of an important journey. The Early Years Department is comprised of two groups: Preschool (3-4 years old) and Reception (4-5 years old). At the beginning of a child’s journey through the world of education it is important for them to develop in a secure and motivating setting which engages their attention and develops a thirst for knowledge. We want our pupils to be enthused by their learning and be engaged with it. We recognise that children need to be able to think for themselves and share their learning and ideas.
Internacionalni vrtić na Senjaku. International nursery in Belgrade. Little Dreams Nursery is home from home environment where your child will receive all the care and attention they need. Each of our individually designed areas are devoted to children ensuring maximum safety and comfort. The carefully selected toys help early stages of development. Children are given the freedom to explore the nursery at their own pace. Focused learning opportunities are planned on a daily basis, and resources are available to children at all times, allowing them to revisit, extend or adapt their interests and learning as they wish. The underpinning principles of the nursery philosophy are influenced from nationally and internationally recognized best practice. We have taken the elements that we believe work best for children and families from across the world, and rolled them into one special place: Little Dreams Nursery.
INTERNACIONALNI VRTIĆI CHARTWEEL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Chartwell Pre-School is part of the ‘Chartwell International School’ in Belgrade, Serbia. We strive to provide a safe, caring, warm and happy international setting where your child will grow, learn and play. We support cultural diversity and are privileged to have children from many nationalities around the world as part of our Chartwell Pre-School family. The Chartwell Pre-School celebrates a calendar of events which is closely tied with the rest of the school.
Intarnacionali vrtići su malo dečije carstvo koje deci omogućava da putem igre usvajaju nova saznanja i izrastaju u pametne i sposobne mlade osobe. Potrebno je mnogo mašte, kreativnosti i veština da bi se stvorilo savršeno bezbedno okruženje u kom će se mališani svakodnevno igrati i družiti sa svojim vršnjacima, ali i naučiti nešto novo i korisno. Kroz brojne akademske i tematske aspekte internacionalni vrtići za strance, utiču na razvoj psiho-fizičkog dela svakog deteta. Internacionalni vrtić je posebno preporučljiv za diplomate, jer će njihova deca biti u sigurnom kvalitetnom okruženju sa svojim vršnjacima. Svaki roditelj želi za svoje dete samo najbolje i najkvalitetnije. Isto tako želi najbolje i najkvalitetnije obrazovanje. Internacionalni vrtić je odlična podloga za dalje školovanje i obrazovanje. Poznato je da deca brzo uče strane jezike sa kojim su u svakodnevnom kontaktu. Pohadjanje internacionalnog vrtića pomoćiće vašem detetu da govori engleski jezik, ili neki drugi koji ste izabrali, kao maternji još u najranijem dobu.
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